The 3M Scott Certified Compressor Technician will be trained to troubleshoot and repair 3M Scott Fire & Safety compressor systems. Upon successful completion this course the 3M Scott Compressor Technician will have the skills required to perform routine maintenance on all 3M Scott Legacy compressor systems. The Service Technician will be presented with the skills and knowledge to perform basic and advanced troubleshooting and repair of 3M Scott Compressors, purification systems, charge stations, storage systems and the Liberty series trailers, and other OEM built systems. In addition, the technician will be trained to perform system upgrades to compressors and charge stations. The 3M Scott compressor technician will understand the theory of operation for the compressor, purification system and charge station.
This technician will be trained to inspect and analyze compressor installations to identify issues that could impact the compressor system performance.
The Service Technician will be able to operate the X4 System Controller.
If you have questions about this class, please contact Scott Technical Support at or call (800) 247-7257.
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